Let’s Sleep : “Amazing thing(k)s by dreaming”

everybody was never dreaming about a “lamp”, but thomas alpha Edison was ever dreaming about how to make a matter that could enlighten the world.  and today, everybody use the lamp for their kinds matter, thus we must thank to Edison of his dream.

so am i, i used to dream since i small.  Since i just can say “mama and by crying” when i want to take a bath or something else that a baby needs. I think dreaming is a cheap way to get new story about my self in untrueconditions. So I guess, dream never makes you lost of your opportunity. even dream is one way to get your opportunity.

Dream, on my head, is a way to figure out what you actually want to, hate of, or desire of  on your unconscious world. everybody has an unconscious world. a world that never be seen by everyone included the owner. this world only appears when we are dreaming or in unconscious condition -for example day dreaming-. an it -unconscious world- is a really expression and description about what human feel, human think, and human personality. in the far references, everybody who can use his own unconscious world as good as possible so he can easily found what everyone want to.

I believe that dream can create an unbelievable matters. Just give your body relax, thinking every night about what you dream since a along time -for example you wanna be an actress- and try to sleep.

and You will not believe what will happen to you at tomorrow…

and don’t forget. Stay Pray to what You believe before you sleep.

have a nice dream.

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